This eye opening video features diverse voices of real teens who proudly choose abstinence in their lives. Abstinence is defined as not participating in sexual intercourse of any kind, including oral sex. Lauren, a 15 year-old from New Rochelle, NY describes how her goals would be compromised by having sex. Joshua 17, an African American writer and editor for a student magazine called Sex, Etc. opts for abstinence until marriage because of personal dreams and career goals. Sara, an art major from Miami, enjoys hanging out with all her friends but doesn’t think she is yet ready for a sexual relationship. Ian, a senior in San Diego enjoys dating, but chooses to steer clear of sexual activities for now. Then we visit Caitlin, a senior at Cornell University, who started a program called Time Out which coaches kids to explore their values when thinking about sex and relationships. Specific topics like sex in the media, why boundaries matter, confusing love and sex, risks and consequences of sex before you’re ready, the importance of choosing friends, resisting drugs and alcohol, and setting life goals are thoroughly explored.
video, plus teacher’s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format
Teenagers are bombarded with sex in advertisement and the media. Unfortunately, the sexual act is popularized, but the consequences, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases go understated. Quite often they are pressured into having sex by their peers or while under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
This program promotes abstinence by example. Four high schools students and a college senior candidly talk about their decision to remain abstinent. One point that is clearly stated and noteworthy is that teens are encouraged to set sexual boundaries for themselves and to be upfront about it with their significant other.
I recommend this film be viewed in sex education classes and counseling sessions. The accompanying student activities and facts sheets are a welcome addition to the program that reinforces material observed and can lead to a discussion session.
- Katherine Parsons, Information Literacy Outreach Librarian, Bronx Community College
Educational Media Reviews Online (EMRO)