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Monthly Topics - May

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Global Youth Traffic Safety Month

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 5,000 teens are killed in passenger vehicle crashes a year. Lack of driving experience, feelings of invincibility and distractions like teen passengers and cell phones, it is easy to understand how young drivers can be a threat to themselves and everyone else on the road. Global Youth Traffic Safety Month is a great opportunity to teach young drivers of situations that could be potentially dangerous. Drowsy driving and cell phone use both carry the same risks as driving legally drunk (having a blood alcohol content of .08). And while many young people know the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol, many do not know that illegal, OTC and prescription drugs carry the same type of danger.

Educating teens and showing them the consequences of their choices before they get behind the wheel can potentially save a life.  

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National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

Good health is our most precious possession. Clinical research proves the crucial role that exercise plays in improving our health, longevity and quality of life. Virtually every system of the human body is enhanced through exercise. Nevertheless, the Surgeon General has stated that less than 20% of Americans get sufficient physical activity for them to achieve discernible  health benefits. Rates of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer continue to rise. During National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, teach your students the positive benefits of being active now in order to pave the way for a lifetime of good health. Engaging in physical activity promotes a healthier body, increases energy and improves self-esteem, as well as reducing one’s risk of certain chronic diseases.

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National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

Children of teen mothers are at an increased risk for many economic, social and health issues. Research indicates that almost 80 percent of teenage mothers are on welfare at some point in their lives. Children of teenage mothers are more prone to abuse and neglect, more likely to be incarcerated at some point in their life and are more likely to become teen parents themselves in the future. National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month is an opportunity for vigorous discussion around the harsh realities of teen parenthood and the importance of preventing unwanted pregnancies. Teens who are informed are able to take personal responsibility for their futures and make wise life choices.

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Spotlight on Mental Health

The Hard Facts:

1 in 5 teens live with a mental health condition

90% of those who die by suicide had an underlying mental illness

Teen and child suicide rate has doubled since 2007

 According to NAMI,mental health conditions are common among teens and young adults. 1 in 5 live with a mental health condition—half develop the condition by age 14 and three quarters by age 24.

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