What is good self-esteem? How do you get it? Using dramatic vignettes, viewers learn that self-esteem is determined by how much we value ourselves and our abilities. There’s Mike, who concludes that although he lacks athletic prowess, he still has many other talents to be proud of. Lauren discovers that even if her science project didn’t win first prize, she can still be satisfied that she tried her best. Eva’s story points out the value of self-acceptance rather than trying to blend in with the crowd, Eva learns to take pride in her ethnic heritage and gains the approval of her peers in the process. Finally, Tim’s tale illustrates why we need to rely upon the people who accept us, rather than listen to those who criticize or tease. Program wraps up with key reminders: assess your own strengths and weaknesses, be satisfied with trying your best, take pride in your personal identity, and don’t let someone else’s negativity keep you from your goals.
video, plus teacher’s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format
Educational Media Reviews Online: Recommended
Recommended It’s a well known fact that children in our society struggle with positive self-esteem. This fast paced video presents nothing particularly new in how children can obtain good self-esteem. Adults and others point out to children that though they may not be as good as someone else with a particular activity, they none-the-less have talents and can find enjoyment doing their own thing. The presentation ends with encouragement to assess one’s own strengths and weaknesses and to be satisfied with trying your best. One should avoid letting negative comments and actions of others determine how one reacts and feels. Technically a well produced program.
- Laurn Wilhelm, University of Wyoming
Educational Media Reviews Online (EMRO)